Join Department of Energy's Eileen Chant and Carol Rabke to learn about the DOE SBIR/STTR Program
Dr. Chant manages the DOE Phase 0 Outreach and Assistance program and coordinates outreach efforts at state, regional and national conferences. The Phase 0 program offers specialized Phase I proposal preparation and review assistance to eligible applicants from underrepresented groups and states.
Dr. Rabke is focused on improving partnering of SBIR/STTR applicants and awardees providing resources to help them build the necessary relationships at each step of the development path. The goal is to improve both research and commercialization outcomes. This effort is designed to complement the existing commercialization programs (Commercialization Assistance Program, Energy I-Corps) currently offered by contractors to awardees. Dr. Rabke welcomes interactions from researchers in academia, national labs or industry, investors, industrial tech scouts and entrepreneurs interested in learning more about partnering within the SBIR/STTR programs office.
This workshop will be led by:
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency will be provided when requested at least 1 week in advance at 302-831-1555.
Fee: No Cost